1. They tell you that Search Engines care about the exact terms in your content

Search Engines don't care about specific words in your content. What they do care about are the topics, the ideas and the concepts included in your content that help address search intent. In other words, Search Engines are now smart enough to look at the meaning within your text.

2. They tell you to use exact terms and sometimes an exact number of times

All content SEO tools out there suggest the inclusion of exact terms in your content. Try writing about coffee tables, and you may be asked to include the term ‘coffee table’ between 17 and 41 times.

This approach leads to a few problems

First, it makes it painful to write content and worse still, leads to keyword stuffing and unnatural content which is penalized by Search Engines such as Google.

Second, using a term a certain number of times will likely result in content that is extremely uninteresting to read and does not flow in your natural style. Humans and search engines are smart enough to see when specific terms have been stuffed into an article.

Third, and most importantly, this approach will make your content less likely to rank well in search.

3. Unlike others, ContentAced understands the meaning of your content

ContentAced is the only tool that does not scan your content looking for specific text, but actually understands it. We free you entirely from having to copy exact terms, and, we don't care about how many times you’ve included a specific term in your content.

In comparison to other tools, ContentAced gives you much more effective guidance and feedback on how well you cover topics that are relevant to your users, and if you are communicating with them in an easy-to-understand manner. This lets you be yourself, write in your own unique style, and at the same time, hit all the key ideas and concepts that guarantee topic completeness.

4. ContentAced has every aspect of your content creation journey covered

When you’re just starting out with a search keyword and need to do some topic research, we’ll do all the work for you. We’ll even give you suggestions on titles, outlines and questions to answer to address search intent. Use our Content Brief to send a template to your writers.

Use our full-featured real-time Content Editor to write original content that achieves topic completeness, as determined by our grader. Write content free from errors using our grammar and spell check. Check your content for any toxicity using our checker and ensure that your content is at the appropriate readability level for your audience using our Readability Level indicator.

And finally monitor your content after you have published it, to ensure that you never slip from the rankings!

Interested? Try for free today (no CC required) and watch your traffic grow!


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